Can Hypothyroidism Cause Insomnia ?

Having trouble sleeping and wondering if your thyroid is to blame? Well it just might be! People who have thyroid difficulties can be susceptible to insomnia, sleep apnea, and other sleeping disorders that make life much more difficult. Some people who have thyroid problems say that they simply don’t feel like themselves anymore.

A complicated condition of the thyroid, hypothyroidism is related to problems with this gland producing too little of the hormones and substances needed for growth and development in the body. When the endocrine system is not working properly, such as in hypothyroidism, a whole host of difficulties can result, including problems with metabolism, joint and muscle pain, fatigue, anxiety and insomnia.

One of the confusing things about having an underactive thyroid is that it can make people feel tired all the time. And this causes them to feel sluggish and want to go to sleep all day long. But when it’s time for them to actually go to sleep, they simply can’t. Some of this may have to do with the type of medication that is required in order to replace what the thyroid is not able to produce.

Can Taking Synthroid at Night Cause Insomnia ?

Synthroid is a synthetic version of the hormones that the thyroid produces. This substance is often prescribed to patients with hypothyroidism and should make them feel fairly normal again. But sometimes these medications can cause side effects. One of these side effects may be sleep disturbances and insomnia. It is important to speak to your doctor if you are experiencing insomnia related to synthroid. Moving your medication time to the morning could possibly help with this.

Hypothyroidism and Insomnia Anxiety

Because anxiety can cause sleepless nights and sleepless nights can cause anxiety, throwing hypothyroidism into the mix can create a doubly difficult situation.
Getting a diagnosis (or just waiting for one!) can be a stressful, anxious time. Whether you are worried about what you don’t know or what you do know, anxiety connected with insomnia and hypothyroidism is not uncommon.

If you struggle with Hypothyroidism and related insomnia or anxiety, you don’t have to simply suffer in silence. Make sure that you are getting appropriate care from a medical professional not only for your thyroid, but also alerting them to other problems such as anxiety and insomnia. This will allow you to get the care that you need for all of the facets of your health.

How to Beat Insomnia Caused by Hypothyroidism

While insomnia related to thyroid problems can be troubling, a variety of natural options exist to help reduce sleeping difficulties. Some of these solutions include:

  • Exercise. Even though you might be fatigued, exercise is critical for getting enough sleep at night. Do active exercise in the morning or a relaxation practice such as yoga in the evening.
  • Increase Melatonin. Cherries help give a boost to this important sleeping substance so eat some of this fruit in the evening. Or take a melatonin supplement.
  • Promote Relaxation. Try a warm bath or cup of chamomile tea as part of your evening relaxation routine. Turn the lights down low and snuggle up with a semi-boring book to help you drift off.
  • Supplements. Talk to your doctor about supplements that might help limit your insomnia or other sleep troubles. Lemon Balm and Valerian are also considered to be relaxing herbs that might be useful when used as supplements.
  • Avoid Electronics. Those blue screens create a buzz in your brain that makes it hard to go to sleep. (Not to mention anything stressful you read or watch such as work emails or upsetting news could cause anxiety.) Unplug a couple of hours before bedtime to get your brain centered on relaxation and the idea of going to sleep.
  • Keep a Regular Sleep Schedule. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps to re-program your body for sleep. This routine helps to banish insomnia.
  • Cut Out Caffeine. One cup of coffee in the morning can get you through the workday, but a dependence on caffeine can actually be counterproductive when it comes to the thyroid and insomnia. Alcohol and nicotine are other substances that can wreak havoc on your sleep.


If you struggle with insomnia caused by hypothyroidism, you can do something about it! Talk to your doctor, take these actions to heart, and get back on the road to healthy sleep patterns that you feel more like you again.

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