Sleep Apnea

Get expert tips on managing sleep apnea and improving sleep health on Sleep Under Cover. Find insights into sleep apnea’s impact on your quality of life.

sleep apnea in children

Sleep Apnea in Children

A common but serious sleep related disorder, sleep apnea affects not only adults but children as well. Sleep apnea in children is a dangerous condition

sleep apnea and epilepsy

Sleep Apnea and Epilepsy 

Two health conditions that probably seem to be completely unrelated, sleep apnea and epilepsy may be closer than you think. Both health conditions are fairly

is snoring sleep apnea

Is Snoring Sleep Apnea ?

If you’ve ever been unable to go to sleep because your spouse, roommate, or even neighbor (in an apartment with thin walls (is snoring loudly),

sleep apnea and seizures

Sleep Apnea and Seizures

A very serious sleep condition that is related to a myriad of other illnesses and health problems that may even be life-threatening, sleep apnea often

home test for sleep apnea

Home Test for Sleep Apnea

Sleep disorders continue to develop as a significant health issue in the US today. Experts estimate that at least 22 million Americans suffer from sleep

sleep apnea solutions

Sleep Apnea Solutions

While it is estimated that at least 25% of men and 10% of women are likely affected by sleep apnea, more than half of people

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