Are There Foods That Cause Snoring ?

Snoring can be a tough problem, not only for the health of the person who is snoring but also for their partners! Snoring affects millions of Americans each year, including women as well as men. Not only does it keep people from getting good sleep, snoring can be an indication of a serious sleeping disorder.

Eliminating snoring from your life can often be done through natural methods that simply include changes in lifestyle habits. Because snoring is caused by limited ability to breathe during sleep, the goal is to do things that can open up the nasal passages and help breathing happen more easily.

Sometimes the foods that you eat can cause the negative reaction of stuffiness and nasal congestion which can exacerbate problems with snoring.

Foods that Cause Snoring


Many people have allergies to dairy. The lactose that is found in dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, and ice cream can be the culprit of all kinds of allergic sensitivities and reactions. Dairy products have a tendency to produce higher amounts of mucus that can be the reason for breathing blockages and possibly snoring. Many doctors suggest that people who snore should avoid ingesting foods containing dairy.


If you think you can get around the dairy problem by substituting soy, think again. Soy is just as much of a problem causer with phlegm and should be avoided if you have a problem with snoring. Consider a milk substitute such as almond or coconut.

Wheat Flour

Foods that are filled with gluten can produce excess mucus (think “gluten=glue”). Bread, cereals, and any other types of baked goods containing wheat flour may make a snoring problem worse. Try avoiding wheat and instead eating foods that contain corn, quinoa, and other grains. Gluten-free breads and other products are ready available in grocery stores. Oats are a great substitute for wheat that can help you avoid snoring.


Eating processed sugar (which is found in almost every kind of food you can buy today) can lead to production of mucus. Avoid all of those pastries, sweets, and other foods filled with the empty calories of sugar—they aren’t really good for you anyway! Test it out to see if eating less of sugar-filled foods helps lower your problems with snoring.


Related to the above issue, fruit contains lots of sugar. Even if it’s natural it can still produce extra mucus and make it harder for you to breathe at night. Try eating your fruit earlier in the day to give plenty of time before you sleep.


Not technically a food but often consumed with food, alcohol should certainly be avoided by people who snore. Drinking alcohol causes the muscles in the throat, neck, and mouth to relax and possibly making them fall in on each other and block the breathing. If you have problems with snoring, avoiding alcohol is an important part of breathing better during sleep.

Red Meat

A notorious inflammation causer, red meat generates arachidonic acid that can trigger swelling in the throat and nasal passages. Switch to white meats or fish instead.

Foods You Can Eat to Reduce Snoring

Now that you know what foods to avoid, here are some options for foods you can try in order to help with your snoring problem:

Herbal Teas. Drinking a cup of hot herbal tea before bed can help to open up nasal passages and promote healthier breathing during sleep. Try peppermint as a natural decongestant option.

Honey. Dropping a bit of honey into that cup of tea can help to reduce inflammation that could be causing your snoring problem.

Onions. Think about when you’re cutting that onion and you start to cry. Your nasal passages are also getting cleared out. Onions have decongestant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce snoring by clearing your breathing passages.

Of course people with chronic snoring problems should see a doctor to determine if it is related to a more serious condition. But foods may play a significant role in your sleeping habits as well.


Determining which foods cause you to snore personally may take a bit of time. Try cutting out all of the foods to avoid at first to see if the snoring stops. If it does, then gradually add one back in and test it out to see if you start snoring again. Do this slowly to help determine which exact foods are causing you to snore. Soon, you’ll be on your way to a healthier, more well-rested life!

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