Why Do You Wake Up Tired ?

Getting in a full night of sleep can be challenging in our hectic world. But when you get a full eight or nine hours of sleep at night and yet you still don’t feel energetic when you wake up in the morning? Well, that is very frustrating, indeed. Waking up tired after a night of sleep can impact a variety of aspects of your life. It’s certainly worth looking into the reason behind your lethargy and figuring out a workable solution!

Still Tired After Eight Hours of Sleep

If you’ve gotten a full night of sleep and are still waking up tired, you may be too tired to even think about why! You just know that you don’t feel great. Being tired can take over a variety of aspects of your life if you aren’t careful. Maybe you are fatigued, your work performance is suffering, or you’re grumpy from being tired. Maybe you don’t have the energy to invest in relationships or doing the things you love anymore.

8 Reasons You Wake Up Tired

Waking up tired even after a full eight hours of sleep could be happening for a number of reasons and ultimately you may need to see your doctor or sleep specialist to help you. But, for general information, here are eight of the most common reasons that people wake up tired even after a good night of sleep:

1. You Aren’t Getting The Right Amount of Sleep.

Often we think that getting more sleep is better, and this may be true for people who are only getting 5-6 hours of sleep a night. But you’re getting 8, 9 or even 10 hours of sleep a night, it may be that you’re sleeping too much and that can actually make you tired.

While eight hours of sleep each night is the average, it’s not the optimal amount of sleep for everyone. Some people need less and some people need more. If you aren’t sure how much sleep you need, try to see what happens if you try going to bed and getting up at the same time each night. As you begin to wake up without an alarm, you’ll discover exactly how much sleep a night your body needs. Then you can tailor your sleeping routine to that.

2. You Drink Alcohol In the Evening.

While most of us think that a nightcap is a great way to relax and take the stress away from the day, it may actually be hijacking your sleep at night. Alcohol impacts your brain in a way that keeps it from entering into the deeper stages of sleep, meaning that you may still wake up tired even after having had a good night of sleep. Avoid drinking alcohol within 3-4 hours of your bedtime to see if that helps reduce your morning fatigue.

3. You’re Using Electronics Before Bed.

The blue lights that come from televisions, laptops and smartphones can make your brain wired and keep you from getting good quality sleep. Try putting them away at least 2 hours before your bedtime to see if that helps you get a better night of sleep and wake up refreshed. Those social media posts can wait. Try reading a book or working a crossword puzzle under low lighting instead.

4. You Don’t Have a Set Bedtime or Wake Up Time.

Your body functions much better when you work with its natural circadian rhythms. Going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, even on weekends or days when you don’t have to work, will help you establish healthy sleeping patterns. This, in turn, allows you to get better quality sleep over the long haul.

5. Your Bedroom Isn’t a Proper Sleeping Environment.

Setting the stage for sleep is important to ensure you get the quality you need. Making sure the room is dark, quiet, and peaceful is critical for sleeping well. Invest in room-darkening blinds, a white noise machine, a comfortable mattress, a fan to keep you cool, or whatever other items you can address that make your bedroom a place where you can relax and sleep well. And avoid doing any work in your bedroom if you can help it, in order to make it a place that feels relaxing and stress-free.

6. You’re Snoozing the Alarm Clock.

Although your brain may trick you into thinking it will make you feel better to just get that extra ten minutes of sleep in, it actually makes you feel worse. Snoozing the alarm clock can be a terrible way to start the day. Instead, it’s better to get your feet to hit the floor when you first wake up, even if you feel groggy or tired.

7. You’re Stressed Out.

Some people get insomnia when they are stressed, finding themselves unable to sleep during the night. Other people may seem to sleep perfectly fine, but the stress in their life may still be reducing their ability to get into a certain level of deep sleep. And if your life is stressful but you are feeling tired, your work performance may be slipping. This, in turn, can cause more stress, which cuts into your ability to sleep well and creates a snowball from there.

8. You Have a Health Issue.

Sleep breathing disorders, including sleep apnea, mean that your body and brain aren’t getting the proper amount of oxygen during sleep, which leaves you tired. Very loud snoring can be a sign that you aren’t breathing properly during sleep, waking up several times throughout the night, which inhibits your ability to feel well-rested in the morning.

Other sleeping disorders include restless leg syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or bruxism (teeth grinding). Other health problems that can affect your energy levels can include a vitamin or mineral deficiency, thyroid problems, hormone issues, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Certain medications can also make you fatigued even when you get enough sleep at night. Check with your doctor for a complete medical exam to eliminate any of these causes.


Getting enough sleep at night can be a complicated matter, tied up in our surroundings, habits, life choices, physical health, or even mental health. You may want to try some basic tips and sleep hygiene habits to get your circadian rhythm reset and moving in the right direction again.

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